Bitcoin enthusiasts look for new ways to safeguard bitcoin wallets. Using human body seems to be a possible solution.

There are different ways to protect bitcoin wallets from hacking. One of the most popular nowadays is multisignature – creating two or more keys for a bitcoin wallet, kept by different persons in different places. Xapo, for instance, kеeрs its encryption keys in underground vaults in Switzerland and in other parts of the world.

Another possibility is to put a bitcoin wallet offline. Companies like Trezor and Ledger offer their customers hardware wallets. But to many users, it still seems not secure enough.

In a Reddit thread started yesterday the user skepa proposed to create what he called a “biowallet” – a bitcoin wallet based on a drop of blood of the bitcoin owner. Unique bitcoin addresses could be generated based on the DNA contained in blood and a password the user can remember. As DNA has never been hacked, it would make the wallet impregnable.

However, it seems the idea does not appeal to other Reddit users. One of them remarked that “you drizzle your DNA everywhere you go.” Another asked: “Steal a drop of blood from someone and you get access to their money forever?” One more user said: “I'd rather not give people more incentive to kill/kidnap/harm me or my family... sometimes too much security can be a bad thing.”

Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that a bitcoin wallet somehow based on human body will become popular. A year ago, a Dutchman Martijn Wismeijer aka Mr. Bitcoin implаnted bitcoin wallets under the skin on his hands and spent ten days with them. More recently, in November 2015, Patric Lanhed of the Swedish agency DigitasLBi dеmоnstrаted that such an implant can be used for payment with the help of NFC scanner.


Alexey Tereshchenko