The money will be given to a charity in the form of a bitcoin donation if Sanders accepts the invitation to participate in a debate with an anti-war activist and Iraq War veteran Adam Kokesh in his show.

In a recent video posted by Occupy Democrats, Bernie Sanders, one of the presidential candidates from the Democratic party, accuses the wealthiest 1% of Americans that have renounced their citizenship to save money on taxes of being unpatriotic.

Roger Ver, the owner of and bitcoin venture investor, was among those denounced by Sanders for not paying taxes in the country of their origin but still living there. Sanders insists that those people are ungrateful to young American soldiers who were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan to ensure the security of the United States and its citizens. 

In response to that video Roger Ver has recorded his own one, where he explained his reasons for renouncing citizenship. Ver voiced his belief that every war is financed by taxes and suggested Sanders should care not only for American casualties but also for a half a million Iraqi children who died, according to him, as a direct result of tax payments in US dollars. 

He admitted that Sanders’ policies are "intended to help" but pointed to the fact that socialist ideas are often backed up by violence since their realisation implies coercion. Ver proposed Sanders to discuss all those issues in a three-hour long friendly debate with an Iraq War veteran and talk show host Adam Kokesh. If Sanders accepts the debate challenge, Ver will donate $100,000 in bitcoin to any non-governmental charity chosen by Bernie Sanders and Adam Kokesh. Ver claims that Kokesh is ready to meet Sanders in any city of America before the end of the year. The choice of an objective moderator is left up to Sanders.


Anna Lavinskaya