It took only a week for British company Razormind to collect more than $1.9 million (2,947 BTC) for development of its decentralized DeOS operating system. Investors were paid tokens DEOS, which constitute the reserve currency of the electronic platform.

Razormind's head and DeOS creator Jawad Yaqub said:

"It is far more than we had expected at this point so I am in equal measure grateful and conscious of the responsibility this places on us."

About 10 million tokens have been sold to more than 290 investors in the first 7 days. This amount covers the necessary minimum for the platform development, according to the published schedule. 1 bitcoin will be equal to 1,000 DEOS until 29 July, after that it will cost 500 DEOS, and since 12 August DEOS' price will rise to 1/250 BTC.

"Razormind will not own any DEOS after the sale," says Jawad Yaqub.

DeOS system currently has about 27,000 active users. This service is based on the global public blockchain that allows users to securely register their assets, identities, records for audit and other data, as well as use smart contracts without pre-payment for "gas", which is typical for the Ethereum.

"DeOS blocks are much richer than current Bitcoin blocks; they hold monetary transactions, yes, but also data, documents, smart contracts, smart assets and audit information. We wanted something useful day-to-day,"  Razormind's CEO added.

Lyudmila Brus


# Richard Kastelein 2016-08-14 12:29
Evidence of a relationship with Razorcoin, content theft and plagiarism on the website. Leadership team have no online professional presence et al.

It's all here. Read through this thread.;all

Razormind were caught out fraudulently posting a number of blue-chip customer testimonials on their website which they had simply stolen and reworded to make it look as though they were about their company.

In January of LAST YEAR, Jawad was claiming this mysterious DeOS platform had 27,000 active users all busy developing it and using it. This is a lie.

Razormind's facebook page has 27,000 'likes' in total but barely any in their timeline and no comments.

So to have done all this astro-turfing and gotten nowhere at the time with their collection bucket, they appear to have decided to try and cash in on the Ethereum debacle by claiming their system to be a successor.