Consumers can pay in bitcoin for anything on the internet with a new beta service Bitcoin Anywhere announced by Abine, the operator of Blur Masked Card.

The service is available to Coinbase users in an invite-only mode. The Bitcoin Anywhere project is launching in beta and the developers intend to share the results of this stage with key figures and companies in the industry.

With Bitcoin Anywhere, online bitcoin payments are processed through a masked card, a secure credit card that can only be used once. It is generated by the service with one click and can be used for payments without revealing any information about the client’s real method of payment – in this case, the Coinbase wallet.

“What we aim to achieve is to assess consumer demand for a purchasing experience that balances innovation, convenience, compliance, and security,” 

- Andrew Sudbury, Abine co-founder and CTO.

Masked cards are included in Blur’s premium account s, which cost $39 per year and also include Masked Phone and Secure Backup features. The free Blur package is limited to Password Management, Masked Emails, and Tracker Blocking. The services allow to control privacy, payments, and passwords to be more secure online.

A similar service was offered in 2013 by Snapcard, allowing users to purchase items from major retailers, even if their e-commerce platform did not accept bitcoin. The checkout process was also linked to Coinbase wallets. However, Bitcoin Anywhere is allegedly different from Snapcard's scheme.

“Their service had you send them bitcoin for an item and then they essentially bought the item for you. Abine's "Bitcoin Anywhere" service will allow you to fund Masked Cards from your coinbase wallet. These Masked Cards are accepted anywhere Mastercard is accepted,” 

the company's representative commented on Reddit.