BitStamp exchange resumed operations after 5-day stop. Management moved main servers of the trading platform from Europe to San-Francisco

One of the leading exchanges in the world resumed operations after a long delay that was cause by the hacker attack. The exchange officially announced the return back to service on the main page of their site.

"Thank you for your patience during our temporarily disruption. We are very happy to be officially back up to serve you" states the company.

CEO of Bistamp Nejc Kodrič explained the situation to the customers in a following way:

"We took the decision to rebuild our systems from the ground up from a secure backup for a few reasons. By redeploying our system from a secure backup onto entirely new hardware, we were able to preserve the evidence for a full forensic investigation of the crime. We have also taken this time to implement a number of new security measures and protocols" states Kodrič in a special press-release.

BitStamp undertook special measures to defend their vaults from any future compromise. First of all, the company starts to integrate "multisig" technology, which makes the risk of the hacker attack significantly lesser. Secondly, the company bough new hardware for it's servers. Last but not the least, BitStamp will use Amazon AWS-cloud infrastructure, which again, allows more security in. With all these things Kodrič and his team hope to save BitStamnp from future dangers.