News about hacking events is everywhere these days, from the front page problems at  Equifax, to the huge digital breaches with Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. It seems the public is sick of hearing about hacking problems and just want servers to run well.

 Additionally, the public continues to want to see decreasing webpage load times. Companies currently are forced to route their traffic through CDN (content delivery network) services. But these systems are often costly, and while the public sector doesn’t see the details, access is often spread globally. 

 The public has spoken regarding these issues - hacking events and internet speed should both be addressed. However, traditional platforms are not able to cope with the changing internet usage. 

 Gladius a blockchain cyber network security startup, is providing solutions to these issues

 Hackers Are Coming and Bandwidth is Lacking

 A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) hack is one example where hackers can cripple a company website in minutes. The attack utilizes a number of other infected computer sources to overwhelm a network or server with requests. The massive number of requests eventually crashes the target system, resulting in site or server outage.

 While some traditional companies have solutions for DDoS attacks, these are often extremely costly for companies and prohibitively so for individuals. Since the attacks are designed around overwhelming a system with data, the only way to fight them is to have access to enough bandwidth to properly sort the spam data from real customer requests. This bandwidth comes with a hefty price tag.

 Traditional CDN platforms can also be extremely costly to use. Current CDN systems have servers stationed in different locations globally that require maintenance and support. These servers allow a site to load rapidly because the end point of the webpage is more local to the user.  These types of platforms are able to sap a company's resources rapidly since they charge a per GB rate.

 Blockchain Solutions

 Blockchain technology, which seems to be making headway in many industries, is also creating a new and elegant system to effectively end DDoS attacks, and, in the same digital structure, provide budget-friendly CDN services. 

 Gladius offers a blockchain-based decentralized ledger that allows users to monetize their unused bandwidth, pooling it into a decentralized CDN. This system then provides enough bandwidth to effectively fight DDoS attacks. Gladius uses the most rational portions of anti-DDoS software and provides a simple system to create cost effective CDN services, all with a single brilliant platform.

 The Danger Is Growing

 DDoS attacks in systems and computers have become increasingly prevalent. Current figures suggest that a staggering 300,000 DDoS attacks damaged systems in 2016, and that number has increased by 30% in 2017. Every incident causes around half a million

 Through Gladius, pools of bandwidth are capable of processing the steady surge of requests and traffic from an attack. Because the users on the decentralized platform are watching, activity that appears to indicate a DDoS attack will be noticed and neutralized rapidly.

 Gladius’ desktop application provides the means for users to monetize their unused bandwidth, providing them with Gladius tokens (GLD). The tokens can be used to purchase DDoS protection or exchanged for fiat currency. Blockchain ensures that all transactions are public, transparent and traceable.

 Gladius also provides a way for users to see their web requests. The speed, volume, and geographical location of incoming web requests is displayed and can be analyzed in order to accelerate content.

 From DDoS to Democratized CDN

 The substantial pool of users monetizing their superfluous bandwidth means that Gladius is able to offer CDN service through their decentralized platform. Costs for this system are far less, and users can often pay for those costs with the funds they are making from their bandwidth. 

 Additionally, decentralization means that negotiations between buyer and seller are direct  with both services. Traditional DDoS and CDN platforms are managed by centralized companies who charge exorbitant fees to maintain service. These companies offer processing power and bandwidth, and then pass the costs for the services to their customers.

 A decentralized platform like the one created by Gladius, distributes cost and allows packages to be created for each individual user. The transparency creates a truly fair and free exchange of services.

 Gladius is exciting. As they build these fascinating use cases for blockchain technology, investors can participate in their public coin sale. The public sale will start November 1 and will last three to four weeks, depending on results. The beta release is planned for Q1 2018, and the full platform release is scheduled for Q3 2018.